Kamal Haasan's long-pending Vishwaroopam 2, which was in the making for two years, has finally hit the theatres today. The film stars Kamal Haasan, Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar and Rahul Bose in the lead roles. Angry fans took to Twitter asking Kamal Haasan to sort out the issues and release the film soon. Dear @ikamalhaasan @RKFI @Aascars pls resolve the …
Popular editor Mahesh Narayanan, who has worked on a wide variety of Malayalam films ranging from Traffic, Beautiful, Kanyaka Talkies, Pokkiri Raja and Ennu Ninte Moideen, forayed into Tamil filmdom with Kamal Haasan’s 2013 spy thriller Vishwaroopam. Ahead of the release of Vishwaroopam 2, the second part in the series, Mahesh opens up to Firstpost in this exclusive chat about …
Among various most explored genres in southern cinema, the spy film genre has garnered least attention and nobody’s been able to crack the reason behind it. As films such as Goodachari, Kamal Haasan’s Vishwaroopam 2 and Vikram’s Dhruva Natchathiram are gearing up for release this year, we try and understand – from people associated with these projects, why southern filmmakers …
“We are happy to say that a Tamil film is all set to have a humongous release which is usually possible for Hollywood films,” said Kamal Haasan. Actor Kamal Haasan met the media on Monday in Chennai at his Alwarpet residence for the launch of the theatrical trailer, of his long pending film Vishwaroopam 2. I was forced to screen …
Vishwaroopam 2 is directed and produced by Kamal Haasan, who is also its lead actor. Mumbai: Bollywood star Aamir Khan will digitally launch the trailer of the Hindi version of Kamal Haasan’s bilingual Vishwaroopam 2 on 11 June. The film, directed and produced by Kamal, who is also its lead actor, is shot in Tamil and Hindi. Reliance Entertainment’s Chief …