Popular editor Mahesh Narayanan, who has worked on a wide variety of Malayalam films ranging from Traffic, Beautiful, Kanyaka Talkies, Pokkiri Raja and Ennu Ninte Moideen, forayed into Tamil filmdom with Kamal Haasan’s 2013 spy thriller Vishwaroopam. Ahead of the release of Vishwaroopam 2, the second part in the series, Mahesh opens up to Firstpost in this exclusive chat about …
On Monday evening, producer V Ravichandran became the first and only person to see Vishwaroopam 2, from the first shot to the last. Mahesh turned director in 2017 with his much acclaimed directorial debut Take Off in Malayalam, that won a slew of awards including for its lead actor Parvathy at the International Film Festival of India, Kerala State Awards, …