Poet Kumar Vishwas has sparked a fresh controversy days after targeting Bollywood actor couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan over Taimur's name. Recently, without naming anyone while addressing an event, Kumar Vishwas said that he is aware that people were sitting to record his remark, and added that those sitting in ‘Maya Nagari’ will have to understand what …
The border state can’t be allowed to go back to the eighties, and for this whatever is necessary, the Centre, in coordination with the Punjab government, should do At a toll booth in Karnal, Haryana Police detained four persons carrying three IEDs each weighing 2.5 kg. Even Gul Panag warned Kejriwal and the AAP in the run-up to the 2017 …
The Madhya Pradesh government has increased the subsidy to set up an oxygen plant at Babai in Hoshangabad district from 26 per cent to 40 per cent. The Madhya Pradesh government banned oxygen's industrial use which led to a near-closure of many MSMEs, to maintain supplies to hospitals. "Bhopal's industry association protested and the government assured that 10 per cent …
Dr. Kumar Vishwas has filed a suit against Zomato Media Pvt. Ltd. and Radio City for alleged infringement of his famous copyrighted poem "Koi Dewana Kehta hai" in its promotional The matter is currently sub-judice before the Commercial Court of the Hon'ble Delhi High Court and was last listed on 17th March 2020 but the same was deferred because of …
At the NDA meeting at the Parliament Central Hall, Narendra Modi urged BJP leaders and allies to work on getting rid of fear and distrust among minorities and make no distinction among castes and communities. For the first time since Independence, a party, the BJP — which has a very comfortable majority of 303 in the 543-member Lok Sabha — …