In the wake of reports that ₹44.78 crore has been spent on renovating the residence of Arvind Kejriwal, alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has reportedly wrote a fresh letter to the lieutenant governor VK Saxena claiming to have funded lavish furnishings present in the Delhi chief minister's residence, Live Hindustan reported. In the letter, the 'conman' claimed that he had personally …
Arvind Kejriwal Sheesh Mahal : Jailed conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has sent a fresh letter to the Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, on Saturday claiming to have funded lavish furnishings present in Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence. "The furniture was personally selected by Kejriwal and Satyender Jain based on pictures which were sent by me on whatsapp and facetime chats of …