Actor Amrita Rao recently embraced motherhood and welcomed a baby with husband RJ Anmol. In a new interview, Amrita has revisited her debut in Bollywood, her first big hit and her experience working with some of her co-stars, including Shah Rukh Khan and Shahid Kapoor. Amrita Rao and Shahid Kapoor in Ishq Vishk. Amrita was Shahid’s co-star in his debut …
When talking about Amrita Rao, one cannot not talk about Ishq Vishq and Vivah, two films that were milestones, of sorts, in her career. AMRITA RAO AND SHAHID KAPOOR WERE NOT EVEN FRIENDS When asked about link-up rumours that did the rounds back then, Amrita Rao told Times Of India in an interview, "Shahid was always in a relationship when …