The Realme 5-series has been announced in August just a month after the company had unveiled its flagship smartphone, the Realme X. Apart from a regular and ultra-wide-angle lens, the Realme 5 Pro also features 2 MP super macro camera and a 2 MP portrait camera. For now, we shall compare the specs of the device with its nearest competition …
The Mi A3 runs on Snapdragon 665 SoC and comes with up to 4 GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal storage. When announced, the Mi A3 is quite likely going to be competing with the likes of the Realme X, Vivo Z1 Pro and Xiaomi’s own Redmi Note 7 Pro. Smartphone Mi A3 Realme X Vivo Z1 Pro …
Realme X is the company's latest premium mid-range smartphone to launch in India. Realme X vs Vivo Z1 Pro: Specifications In terms of design, both the Realme X and Vivo Z1 Pro offer premium looks at affordable prices, but the methods chosen by their respective brands are different. Rather than offering a pop-up camera mechanism like the Realme X, the …
Vivo Z1 Pro is set to launch in India today at an event in New Delhi. The Vivo Z1 Pro is said to come with triple rear camera setup with LED flash along with in-display selfie camera. Also, read: Realme X launch in India teased by the company on Twitter Vivo Z1 Pro specifications expected The Vivo Z1 Pro is …