The tragic death of a Bengaluru-based company's CEO and five others in a Volvo SUV crash on Saturday has sparked a debate on how only having safe cars may not prevent accidents unless the roads are made safer. A Volvo XC90, which is considered as one of the premium vehicles for car safety, was crushed by a container truck at …
A devastating road accident near Bengaluru that claimed the lives of six members of a family on Saturday has sparked a debate on whether cars made to be safe are effective on unsafe roads. Raging debate on social media {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} The accident has sparked a conversation on social media about road safety, with many users pointing out …
A devastating road accident near Bengaluru that claimed the lives of six members of a family on Saturday has sparked a debate on whether cars made to be safe are effective on unsafe roads. Raging debate on social media The accident has sparked a conversation on social media about road safety, with many users pointing out that even the safest …
Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha visited the accident site where a goods truck fell on its side and a Volvo bus carrying passengers skidded, but avoided a major mishap. A near accident was recorded on camera when a KSRTC bus full of passengers skidded on the Bengaluru-Mysuru highway but regained control and sped away. Mysuru MP Pratap Simha paid a visit …