The Pune Police Crime Branch arrested another suspect on Wednesday in connection with the kidnapping and brutal murder of Satish Wagh, a relative of BJP MLC Yogesh Tilekar. The investigation has revealed shocking details, with police naming Wagh’s wife as the mastermind behind the crime. According to Pune Police Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar, the primary accused, Atish Jadhav, confessed that Wagh’s …
Ahmedabad: Wagh Bakri Tea Group executive director Parag Desai died at a hospital here in Gujarat of severe brain injuries days after he fell on a hard surface while being chased by stray dogs during an evening walk, a company official said on Monday. Desai, 50, suffered a severe brain haemorrhage after falling on a hard surface while going for …
Wagh Bakri Tea Group's owner and Executive Director, Parag Desai, died on Sunday evening in Ahmedebad after a brain hemorrhage caused by a fall while he was trying to evade stray dogs. According to a top Wagh Bakri executive, Parag Desai was out on an evening walk on October 15 when he slipped after trying to ward off stray dogs. …
Amid the spiralling onion prices, a farmer in Maharashtra's Nashik district has complained that his stock of the key kitchen staple worth around Rs 1 lakh has been stolen by unidentified persons, police said on Tuesday. Onion grower Rahul Bajirao Pagar approached the police on Monday, saying he had kept a 'summer stock' of 25 tonne onions in 117 plastic …