Lara Dutta, actor and former Miss Universe, has always been someone who's given it back to those who are unfair to her. In an interview with Hautterfly, she recalled how even during the promotions of her debut film Andaaz, back in 2003, she bashed up a man in the crowd who pinched her. Lara Dutta starred opposite Akshay Kumar in …
Drone Wars Hokyoung Kim This episode is the third part in a series about Afghanistan, focused on the country and its people. The attack drone was supposed to be a symbol of the era of precision warfare — a way to wage wars with fewer casualties on both sides. In this episode, we will explore the past, present and future …
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a strange animal. This sort of story-telling feels like something more at home in Call of Duty’s primary rival, Electronic Arts’ Battlefield series, particularly Battlefield 3. Unfortunately, like Battlefield 3, the campaign’s lack of impressive set pieces or interesting, inventive missions means that now that I’ve completed the game, I have no intention of …