Actor Bonnie Wright welcomed her first child, a baby boy with her husband Andrew Lococo on September 19. Best known for her role as Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter film series, Wright tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend Lococo in March 2022. Thanking her doctors, Bonnie Wright further wrote, "Our perfect and loving midwives Tiffany and Taylor @dosmidwifery …
New Delhi: Actress Bonnie Wright, best known for playing Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films, is expecting her first child with husband Andrew Lococo. Bonnie, who married Andrew in March 2022, received a slew of congratulatory comments, including from Scarlett Byrne Hefner, who played Pansy Parkinson in the Harry Potter films, and James Phelps, who played Ginny's brother Fred …