New Delhi: Actress Bonnie Wright, best known for playing Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films, is expecting her first child with husband Andrew Lococo. Bonnie, who married Andrew in March 2022, received a slew of congratulatory comments, including from Scarlett Byrne Hefner, who played Pansy Parkinson in the Harry Potter films, and James Phelps, who played Ginny's brother Fred …
HBO Max has fixed and reuploaded its “Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts” special after eagle-eyed fans and cast members alerted the streaming giant of a couple of editing mistakes over the holiday weekend. Within hours of the reunion special’s release on New Year’s Day, social media users noticed that an image of actor Emma Roberts appeared on screen …
James and Oliver Phelps were speaking to their Harry Potter co-star Evanna Lynch, who played Luna Lovegood in the film series, on their podcast Normal Not Normal. Actors James and Oliver Phelps, who gained immense popularity playing twins Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter films, have now revealed they did not know which twin they were supposed to be …