中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平4月12日到文昌航天发射场视察,代表党中央和中央军委,向发射场全体同志致以诚挚问候。他强调要强化使命担当,勇于创新突破,全面提升现代化航天发射能力,努力建设世界一流航天发射场。 President Xi Jinping demanded efforts to elevate a spacecraft launch site in southern China's island province of Hainan into world-leading standards when he inspected the site on Tuesday. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site. 2月27日11时06分,我国在文昌航天发射场使用长征八号运载火箭成功将22颗卫星发射升空,创造我国一箭多星新纪录。 (图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 …