In a secret location in eastern Ukraine, frontline troops from the 80th Air Assault Brigade are putting one of their Bushmasters through its paces. "It's fantastic," says driver Oleksandr when asked about the armoured personnel carrier that was built in Bendigo. Ukrainian troops say the Bushmasters are a "fantastic" piece of equipment. He described Australia as "a nation of freedom-loving …
It's one of the most moving scenes you could imagine. Study finds Russia deliberately targeting schools in Kharkiv There's a strong feeling in Kharkiv that schools and other educational facilities have been deliberately targeted by Russian missiles as a way of eroding Ukrainian culture and identity. "Six-hundred-and-thirty-four educational institutions have been destroyed or damaged throughout the network," says Oleksiy Litvinov, …
As Vyacheslav Zadorenko walks along the platform at the train station at Kozacha Lopan, he's as close to Russian territory as any Ukrainian politician would dare to be. Investigators amass evidence of war crimes The Kharkiv National Police say that the basement in Kozacha Lopan is one of 27 places where Russian forces set up torture rooms in the Kharkiv …