Matt Hancock's mistress Gina Coladangelo is stepping down from her £15,000 role at the Department of Health after footage of the pair's affair was brought to light. The Hancocks, Gina Coladangelo and Oliver Tress: Timeline reveals how all four link together 1993 : Oliver Tress opens the first Oliver Bonas store on London's Fulham Road : Oliver Tress opens the …
It was one of the biggest scandals to hit Married At First Sight this season. In an interview with Hit105.5's A.B and Ben on Tuesday, the soft-spoken schoolteacher defended his 'wife' Martha Kalifatidis against her critics, while unintentionally hinting Nic DID touch Jessika flirtatiously under the table. Realising that he'd slipped up, Michael suddenly became coy when probed on whether …