In a major success for the Narendra Modi government, during the last nine fiscal years, scheduled commercial banks have recovered approximately Rs 10 lakh crore, as per the government’s information to the Lok Sabha. In a written response to a question in the Lok Sabha on Monday, Minister of State for Finance Bhagwat Kisanrao Karad stated that according to the …
The top-50 wilful defaulters owed a total of Rs 92,570 crore to Indian banks as of March 31, 2022, Minister of State for Finance Bhagwat Karad told Lok Sabha. Top-10 Wilful Defaulters In India As On March 31, 2022: 1) Mehul Choksi’s Gitanjali Gems 2) Era Infra 3) Reigo Agro 4) Concast Steel and Power 5) ABG Shipyard 6) Frost …
Winsome Diamond & Jewellery, Gitanjali Gems and ABG Shipyard are among the big wilful defaulters who together owe more than Rs 37,000 crore to Punjab National Bank as of the end of the first quarter of 2020-21. As many as 1,787 big wilful defaulters owe outstanding loans of Rs 37,020.27 crore at the end of June, according to the list …
New Delhi: Dues from big wilful defaulters of Punjab National Bank fell by 0.87% to ₹ 15,354.52 crore on 30 June compared to ₹ 15,490 crore as on 31 May 2018, bank data has showed. Big wilful defaulters owed PNB ₹ 15,171.91 crore in 2017-18, resulting in standalone net loss of ₹ 12,282.82 crore in 2017-18 as against a profit …