When director Vamsee’s ambitiously mounted Telugu film Tiger Nageswara Rao begins with a note ‘inspired from true rumours’ and a voiceover informs us that it is a tale of blood and tears, it indicates the tone of the film. Ravi Teja plays the title character inspired by the real-life dacoit of Stuartpuram in Andhra Pradesh, Nageswara Rao who earned the …
With the passing of media executive Clarence Avant on Monday, Hollywood lost an industry magnate whose impact and reach was unquantifiable. “He had an innate sense of goodness and fairness and was able to have the drive and willpower to succeed without compromising his values, and use that success to help more people,” said filmmaker Reginald Hudlin, who profiled Avant …
There’s an iconic photograph of the Rev. That the FBI wanted someone close and watching King is at the heart of director Sam Pollard’s engrossing documentary “MLK/FBI,” a film that artfully explains how the two sides of that slash came to be enemies. Pollard is a veteran producer and filmmaker who co-directed two episodes of “Eyes on the Prize” and …