Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday launched a scathing critique against the Congress party while extolling the democratic ethos of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Speaking at the inauguration of a party office at Chakchaka in Barpeta district, the chief minister, a Congressman-turned-BJP leader, claimed the agenda of the grand old party is set in the 'dining room of …
Assam Finance Minister and BJP’s chief poll strategist Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday warned tea estate owners to pay daily wages to their workers at the revised rate or face the music. We revised it to ₹217 but a few tea garden owners went to the High Court against the revision in connivance with the Congress,” he told a crowd …
Assam minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday attacked the Congress over using photos of a Taiwan tea garden in their campaign saying Congress leaders couldn’t even recognise Assam. Sarma took to Twitter saying, “Official Congress campaign page is using photo of tea garden from Taiwan to say “Assam Bachao”. #CongressInsultsAssam” Sarma also shared a photo that the Congress used …