Actor Yashika Aanand, who was involved in a road accident in which she lost her best friend, has opened about the incident and what transpired that night. In her latest interview, Yashika clarified that she wasn’t drunk or intoxicated that night. The rest of us were inside the car, but the doors were jammed and we had to break open …
Tamil actor Yashika Aanand on Saturday night met with an accident on East Coast Road, Mahabalipuram in Chennai. Yashika Aanand has appeared on Tamil Bigg Boss. As per news reports, one of Yashika’s friends, Vallichetti Bhavani, died on the spot. While the public could come to the rescue of Yashika and one of her friends soon after the accident, they …
Chennai: Actress Yashika Anand met a grievous accident near Mamallapuram, one of her female friends died on the spot when her car toppled after hitting the median on ECR yesterday night. Yashika's deceased friend, Valli Chetty Bhavani, 28, of Hyderabad, is said to be a software engineer who returned from the US last week and went to Chennai to meet …