Lucknow: Chief minister Yogi Adityanath said on Friday that water and terrorism did not flow together. Addressing a public meeting in support of the BJP candidate in Ramnagar, Udhampur and Kathua areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Yogi Adityanath said, “Since childhood, we’ve been singing the lines, ‘Bina Sindhu ke Hind kahan hai, Ravi bin Punjab nahi, Ganga aakhir khush ho …
Mirzapur : Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a scathing attack on the opposition and said that dynasts looted funds meant for welfare schemes in the state. Addressing a public meeting at Mirzapaur on Monday, as a part of the civic elections campaign, Yogi said, "Dynasts created obstacles in development as they have nothing to do with development. Lauding …