After winning hearts with their chemistry in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Divyanka Tripathi and Karan Patel are all set to reunite for another project. Divyanka and Karan are going to share screen space for an According to reports, Divyanka Tripathi and Karan Patel will recreate their Yeh Hai Mohabbatein characters in the advertisment, While Ishita is playing the role of a …
Just like many other celebrities, Television actress Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya too has become quite active on social media. Divyanka, who is known for playing the role of Dr. Ishita in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein enjoys a great fan following who is always interested to know about what's going on in her life. Sleeping on thin mats, morning PT and #DrillPractice in …
While Mihika Varma shocked fans when she decided to quit Star Plus' most popular show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein two years ago, she has a good news for all her fans. Yeh Hai Mohabbatien actress Mihika Varma is pregnant, shares adorable picture Mihika Varma, who played the role of Ishita Bhalla’s sister in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, is pregnant with her first …