Former Indian wrestler and Olympic medallist Yogeshwar Dutt on Sunday lashed out at the protesting wrestlers and said that as the Delhi police had registered the FIR against the Wrestling Federation of India chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, they should focus on their practice. Dutt, who is a part of the Indian Olympic Association's seven-member committee to probe the wrestlers' …
Olympic bronze medallist Yogeshwar Dutt on Monday said that the national wrestling camp should not be postponed despite four grapplers testing positive at the Sports Authority of India centre in Sonepat. I know some wrestlers tested positive, but I want to say that they are safer at the SAI centre than outside," the former wrestler said. A few wrestlers have …
Wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt today came out to voice his concern about the recent attack on a 100-year old temple in Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi. दो दिन पहले दिल्ली के चांदनी चौक में शांतिप्रिय समुदाय के सैकड़ों लोगों ने मिलकर प्राचीन मन्दिर मे तोड़-फोड़ की। अगर ये हमला किसी दरगाह पे होता तो टुकड़ा-टुकड़ा गैंग और अवार्ड वापसी गैंग अपने …