Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh Information Technology and Electronics Minister Nara Lokesh on Sunday alleged that the former YSRCP government led by Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy had allocated 42 acres of land in 26 districts for building party offices at a nominal cost of ₹1,000 lease for 33 years. "You allocated 42 acres of land in 26 districts for YSRCP at …
Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh Information Technology and Electronics Minister Nara Lokesh on Sunday alleged that the former YSRCP government led by Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy had allocated 42 acres of land in 26 districts for building party offices. "You allocated 42 acres of land in 26 districts for YSRCP at a meagre cost of ₹1,000 lease for 33 years," Lokesh …