Varun Dhawan has grossed the internet out with this latest photo. While his washboard abs was bound to grab attention, Varun left everyone shocked when he covered his nipple with a watermelon emoji. “The watermelon emoji made me laugh,” a fifth user added. “I knew, but I don’t think anyone else believed it… My dad made it very clear and …
In the summer season, pani puri is one of those street foods that we love relishing. While we all know that a classic pani puri is filled with some masala and spicy water, have you ever come across a mango pani puri? In a recent food experiment that is going viral, you can see a food vendor creating this mango …
Garlic 'ice-cream' is the latest entry in the catalogue of bizarre food recipes that the netizens are cringing hard at. Netizens react to viral Garlic 'ice-cream' video As the clip continues to go viral on social media, the netizens are sharing their views on the garlic 'ice-cream'. Another one commented, "Jisko garlic pasnd hoga vahi bnaye ga." Some also pointed …