The Jammu & Kashmir High Court on Thursday granted bail to an elected Councillor of LAHDC who has been accused of making derogatory remarks against the leadership of the Country and against the Armed Forces of the Country. vs State of Punjab, the High Court observed that mere expression of derogatory or objectionable words may not be a sufficient ground …
Delhi riots 2020 investigation, as it is unfolding is becoming more interesting than a thriller. If in February anyone asked what is common between Zakir Naik, Umar Khaled, Khaled Saifi, Ishrat Jahan and Tahir Hussain, the answer might have been NONE. Umar Khalid is a JNU scholar, Khalid Saifi is associated with India against hate, Ishrat Jahan is a former …
A positive case of coronavirus, or Covid-19, in Leh was confirmed on Wednesday, taking the total number of positive cases in India to 74. The latest positive case of coronavirus in Leh adds to the two positive cases confirmed already in the region. WILL TAKE ONE-AND-A-HALF TO TWO YEARS FOR INDIA TO DEVELOP VACCINE FOR COVID-19: HEALTH MINISTRY Senior health …