Prime Minister Narendra Modi has warned of a growing trend of urban Naxals in India, urging the identification and elimination of such forces. He highlighted the need to combat disinformation campaigns and divisive rhetoric that could undermine India's unity and economic interests. Modi emphasized the importance of identifying and dismantling urban Naxals, stating that they pose a threat to the …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed concern over foreign forces attempting to destabilize India and spread anarchy. He warned that some forces are trying to break the country apart on caste lines and are against a developed India. Modi urged the people to identify and unmask these urban Naxals, who he said are targeting even those who say they will …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed concern over foreign forces attempting to destabilize the country and spread anarchy. He specifically mentioned urban Naxals as a threat, urging the people to identify and unmask them. Modi emphasized the importance of identifying and tackling this new model of Naxalism that is emerging in urban areas.