In the opening sequence of the Telugu movie Ustaad, written and directed by first-timer Phanideep, a young father tells his wife Gayathri that it is important to give their son moments to cherish. Ustaad is the story of this boy, Surya, who conquers acrophobia to become a pilot with his bike ‘Ustaad’ playing a catalyst in his journey. Ustaad Cast: …
Sometime in 2014, when Phanideep gazed at the street from his balcony on the third floor of a residential colony in Hyderabad, he spotted a boy trying to fly a kite. He says about Ustaad, which is the name of a bike in the film, and stars Sri Simha Koduri, Kavya Kalyanram, Gautham Menon, Anu Haasan and Ravindra Vijay, “If …