Telugu actor Sri Simha Koduri who is basking in the success of his latest film ‘Mathu Vadalara2,’ and younger son of Oscar-winning composer MM Keeravani, is all set to embark on a new journey in life. It has been previously announced that Sri Simha is engaged to Raaga Maganti, the granddaughter of veteran actor-politician Murali Mohan. Photos from the celebration …
Sometime in 2014, when Phanideep gazed at the street from his balcony on the third floor of a residential colony in Hyderabad, he spotted a boy trying to fly a kite. He says about Ustaad, which is the name of a bike in the film, and stars Sri Simha Koduri, Kavya Kalyanram, Gautham Menon, Anu Haasan and Ravindra Vijay, “If …
Stories that try to be quirky dark comedies and are woven around oddball characters are not easy to pull off. The Telugu dark comedy Bhaag Saale, written and directed by Praneeth Bramandapally, rides on an interesting premise of a diamond ring of historical value changing hands between a motley bunch of characters that range from a don who wants it …