Sruthi Hariharan recently accused Arjun Sarja of sexual misconduct on the sets of their film Nibunan, directed by Arun Vaidhyanathan. Now, Arjun’s daughter has come forward and hit back at Sruthi Hariharan. In an interview, Arjun's daughter Aishwarya has said that Sruthi Hariharan is using the #MeToo movement for her personal gain. Prakash called Arjun 'the pride of Kannada cinema’ …
South Indian star Sruthi Hariharan, who shot to fame after her Kannada film Lucia, has come out with her #MeToo story. Arjun and Sruthi Hariharan acted together in the film Nibunan, which came out in 2017. #MeToo movement, which has gained momentum in India, has so far called out many popular names like Alok Nath, MJ Akbar, Vairamuthu and Nana …