Kannada actors Shraddha Srinath and Sruthi Hariharan came out in support of actress Samyuktha Hegde, a day after she was attacked and abused by a group of people while working out at a park in Bengaluru. Shraddha Srinath, who was last seen Krishna and his Leela, was one of the first celebrities to voice her support. Sruthi Hariharan praised Samyuktha …
South Indian star Sruthi Hariharan, who shot to fame after her Kannada film Lucia, has come out with her #MeToo story. Arjun and Sruthi Hariharan acted together in the film Nibunan, which came out in 2017. #MeToo movement, which has gained momentum in India, has so far called out many popular names like Alok Nath, MJ Akbar, Vairamuthu and Nana …