Bare shelves in supermarkets after Queensland floods spark calls for supply route solutions
ABCWhen floods cut off supply routes to Far North Queensland shelves in the region's large supermarkets were quickly emptied. 'Grown on our doorstep' Mareeba greengrocer Angela Nason said the big store shortages made a "mockery" of food supply routes. Scrambling for essentials Cairns Mayor Amy Eden has asked Coles and Woolworths to build distribution centres in Cairns to avoid a "scramble for basic necessities", but neither supermarket has committed. Call to 'bulletproof' network Some produce was flown to Cairns Airport by narrow-body aircraft and Regional Trade Distribution Centre managing director Barb Ford said a larger plane could have brought more food. Food security advocate Irene Portelli said she hoped Far North Queensland customer behaviour would change following the recent shortages.
History of this topic

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