Delhi HC Contributes Half A Crore For Kerala Flood Relief
Live LawThe Delhi High Court has raised almost Rupees Fifty Three Lakhs for Kerala flood relief, at a mobilization drive held on Saturday. While the Bar Association collectively contributed Rs.44 lakhs, the Registry donated Rs.5 lakhs and the judges contributed Rs.4.5 lakhs.The amount was handed over to the Kerala Resident Commissioner at a function presided over by the Delhi High Court Chief. The amount was handed over to the Kerala Resident Commissioner at a function presided over by the Delhi High Court Chief Justice, Justice Rajendra Menon. Justice S Ravindra Bhat, Justice S Muralidhar, Justice Prathiba M Singh, Justice C Harishankar, Justice Siddharth Mridul, Justice IS Mehta, Justice AK Pathak of the Delhi High Court were also present at the event.