Liquor, cash, and other prohibited items worth ₹21.89 crore have been seized in the Capital since the enforcement of the model code of conduct, the office of Delhi’s Chief Electoral Officer R. Alice Vaz said on Monday. Other recoveries include precious metals worth ₹6.1 crore, drugs worth ₹5.05 crore, and liquor worth ₹47 lakh. Speaking to mediapersons, Ms. Vaz said …
Seizure of cash, liquor and other items by the State and Central enforcement agencies deployed to keep a watch on allurements offered in different forms to voters in the forthcoming elections to Lok Sabha have crossed the ₹100 crore mark since the announcement of poll schedule on March 16. The State police department topped the list with seizure of cash …
West Delhi BJP MP Parvesh Verma accused Sisodia of corruption, and said that two ‘middlemen’ who used to collect cash from liquor licensees have left the country. New Delhi: The Delhi BJP on Friday accused the city government of being involved in a liquor scam of hundreds of crores of rupees as CBI raided the residence of Deputy Chief Minister …
At least 3,300 shops selling Indian Made Foreign Liquor and country liquor in Madhya Pradesh will give cash receipts to customers on purchases from September 1 onwards, an official said on Friday. I have been trying to push for the cash receipt system for a year now,” Madhya Pradesh excise commissioner Rajeev Dubey said. “It was hard for us to …
In case you have not realised it yet, in one form or the other you are witness to history unfold before you. The 2019 Lok Sabha election in India is historic not just for its sheer size, but it is historic also for the worth and quantity of cash, drugs, liquor and freebies seized by vigilance authorities during these elections. …