How to Cure a Hangover, According to Science
WiredYou are so screwed. In fact, it wasn’t until the past decade or so that researchers even agreed to define hangover with a common group of symptoms. In the mid-2000s, Howland, then a professor of community health services at the Boston University School of Public Health, partnered with Damaris Rohsenow, an alcohol and drug abuse researcher at Brown University, to look at how hangovers relate to the ability to perform a job. It wasn’t until 2009, though, that a Dutch researcher named Joris Verster got the world’s hangover researchers together for an informal meeting. They dubbed themselves the Alcohol Hangover Research Group and adopted a whimsical logo: a red and white crest with a tipped-over wineglass in the foreground and a pint of beer in the background.
History of this topic

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