CTE was nearly ubiquitous among former NFL players who donated their brains to science
LA TimesThe NFL issued a statement saying the league “will continue to work with a wide range of experts to improve the health of current and former NFL athletes.” In a group of more than 100 professional football players whose brains were examined after their death, new research has found that virtually all suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a condition likely brought on by repeated blows to the head. Researchers distinguished between brains with “mild” pathology — 44 of the 177 that showed signs of CTE — and those with “severe” levels of the disease’s structural hallmarks — 133 of the 177 brains examined. × CTE was found in a “shockingly high percentage” of former football players who donated their brains to science, according to a new study. For instance, many of the men whose families reported the most problematic symptoms, including mood disturbances, explosiveness and self-harm, were found to have only mild levels of CTE’s distinctive brain abnormalities, McKee said.
History of this topic

Longer careers in ice hockey are linked to a greater risk of CTE, a new study finds
A third of former NFL players surveyed believe they have CTE, researchers find
Stephen Colbert Takes A Serious Swipe At The NFL On Its Biggest Night
Huff Post
‘A living hell inside of my head’: For first time, more advanced stage of CTE diagnosed in teen football player
Serious Brain Trauma Starts Well Before Young Athletes Go Pro
Brain injuries, race and denial in the NFL
Al Jazeera
Brain injuries in amateur sport a concern for players, trainers, researchers
Former rugby league player Paul Green's brain to be donated to science after sudden death
New report demonstrates causal link between head impacts and CTE for first time
New York Times
New research provides further evidence Dave Watson has CTE, say family
The Independent
Op-Ed: 5 steps to protect football players’ brains and keep the sport alive
LA Times
Football has duty to look after former players with dementia, says Brian Deane
The Independent
Rugby faces ‘walking time bomb’ as players pursue legal action over degenerative brain disease
NFL ready to help football's governing bodies prevent future brain damage as concussion subs are discussed
The Telegraph
FA chairman Greg Clarke calls for concussion substitutes as 'quickly as possible'
Daily Mail
NFL stars' risk of CTE soars by a THIRD every year they play
Daily Mail
Football players with CTE increase their dementia risk every extra year they play, study finds
Daily Mail
Brain scans may reveal signs of CTE in living NFL players
Daily Mail
Study finds at least 10% of NFL players could develop CTE
LA Times
Four ex-NFL players unite to launch largest ever CTE study
Daily Mail
NFLPA 'health playbook' educate players on CTE
Daily Mail
Knees, Domestic Violence And CTE: Why You Stopped Watching Football
Early Signs of Neurodegenerative Disease Found in Athletes Without Concussions
First Case of CTE Confirmed in Living Patient: Former NFL Star Fred McNeill Dies at 30
The More We Learn About CTE, The Harder It Is For Football To Stay The Same
Huff Post
Scientists may have found a way to diagnose CTE in football players while they’re still alive
LA Times
NFL cuts ties with NIH concussion study
Daily Mail
Brain disease seen in most football players in large report
Associated Press
Brain disease seen in most football players in large report
Associated Press
Brain disease seen in most football players in large report
Associated Press
99 Percent Of Studied NFL Brains Diagnosed With CTE, Researchers Say
Huff Post
NFL brain study diagnoses CTE in 99% of ex-players' brains
Daily Mail
Jeff Astle's family secure vital breakthrough in their fight for research into brain disease in football
The Independent
Why has it taken non-football specialists to investigate dementia link while football's authorities dither?
The Independent
Most-detailed British study into football's dementia link concludes condition may be related to heading
The Independent
PFA faces pressure to fund dementia research as details emerge of study into footballers' brain formation
The Independent
Leading CTE Expert Speaks Out
Huff Post
For high school football players, just a season of play brings brain changes
LA Times
NFL vice-president Jeff Miller acknowledges link between concussions and CTE brain condition
In A First, NFL Executive Admits Football Is Linked To Brain Damage
CTE: 5 things to know
NFL great Frank Gifford had degenerative brain disease, family announces
LA Times
High school football can damage the brain in just ONE season
Daily Mail
Real Men and Traumatized Seahorses: The Legacy of War and Contact Sports
Huff Post
Sidelined By Brain Injury, Ex-NFL Player Copes With 'Desperation'
Concussion Research Slowed By Shortage Of Donated Brains
NFL players found to have 'pronounced abnormalities' in brain function according to new study
When It Comes To Brain Injury, Authors Say NFL Is In A 'League Of Denial'
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