The Warrior Queen of Jhansi director Swati Bhise: In times of gender disparity, Lakshmi Bai's is perfect story to share
FirstpostRani Lakshmi Bai and her story are not new for our screens. Breaking the domestic boundaries around the legend, Bhise’s film makes Lakshmi Bai a global feminist icon and tells her story through an authentic, non-exotic narrative — a feat most South Asian filmmakers fail to achieve when making films about Indian characters, in the US. Bhise’s The Warrior Queen of Jhansi, the first Hollywood action film with an Indian female lead, releases in India on 29 November. Yes, after Ramanujan, I wanted to make a film on Rani Lakshmi Bai, primarily to have the world witness her story. I chose to make a film on Rani Lakshmi Bai because in these times of acute gender disparity in every field, hers is the perfect story to share; she is young, yet so brave and courageous.