Cannabis can both help and hinder memory. How it affects you might come down to inequality
The IndependentThe best of Voices delivered to your inbox every week - from controversial columns to expert analysis Sign up for our free weekly Voices newsletter for expert opinion and columns Sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. The good news is that even for young people whose memory is impaired when using cannabis, this isn’t permanent provided they abstain in future. While hundreds of thousands of young people will use cannabis, only a small proportion will go on to use the drug regularly and heavily. Lower potency cannabis carries a smaller risk than higher potency, and unfortunately most young people are unable to access lower potency varieties. These young people could be severely disadvantaged as their cannabis consumption, with or without alcohol, could reduce their ability to study and therefore what they achieve educationally.
History of this topic

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