I'm a female solo traveller and THESE are the best countries for holidays alone (and the common mistakes women on their own make)
5 months, 3 weeks ago

I'm a female solo traveller and THESE are the best countries for holidays alone (and the common mistakes women on their own make)

Daily Mail  

Enjoy your own company? That's the advice of 63-year-old seasoned solo traveller Christina Ford, a lifestyle blogger and author of the award-winning book In Search of Mr Darcy: Lessons Learnt in the Pursuit of Happily Ever After. She's pictured right in Taomina, Sicily 'Travel is a gift - don't wait for your schedule to align with a friend's,' says Christina, who's pictured hiking in Cinque Terre Christina describes Cinque Terre as 'five ancient fishing villages connected by sea, train or hiking' If you find the thought of mingling with new people daunting, Christina suggests joining a walking tour. She's pictured above in Seville Christina advises new travellers to 'plan something you've always wanted to do but within your comfort zone' and says 'you'll learn how capable you are' on a solo trip. 'It's often described as New York run by the Swiss' Christina is pictured above during a solo ski trip to Whistler Christina, who emphasises that 'safety is crucial' for lone women travellers, recommends always carrying a phone charger as 'you never know where the day could take you' and sharing your live location with a friend or family member.

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