Delhi Court Directs Google & Facebook To Block Alleged Defamatory Videos Posted Against Modicare Limited [Read Order]
Live LawThe Patiala House Courts on Tuesday directed the search engine giant Google and social media site Facebook to block the alleged defamatory videos posted against Modicare Limited, a direct selling company. The order was passed by Senior Civil Judge cum Rent Controller Vikrant Vaid, who granted this relief to Modicare and restrained Ramila Rana from making any unverified, unsubstantiated, and ex facie defamatory statements concerning the Plaintiff or repeating or republishing the statements made in the videos forming the subject matter of the Suit. Accordingly, an exparte injunction was granted in favour of the plaintiff till the next date of hearing whereby: Defendant No.1 has been restrained from making any unverified unsubstantiated, and ex facie defamatory statements concerning the Plaintiff or repeating or republishing the statements made in the videos forming the subject matter of the suit; Defendant No. 2 and 3 have been restrained from making any unverified, unsubstantiated and ex facie defamatory statements against the Plaintiff or repeating or republishing any statements made in the videos forming the subject matter of the suit; Defendant No.