Beyond Student Debt: Where It's Not The Top Campaign Priority For Millennials
9 years, 1 month ago

Beyond Student Debt: Where It's Not The Top Campaign Priority For Millennials


Beyond Student Debt: Where It's Not The Top Campaign Priority For Millennials Enlarge this image toggle caption Asma Khalid/NPR Asma Khalid/NPR So far this campaign season, much of the political conversation involving millennials has centered around college debt. "There were plenty of weeks and months where bills were coming, and I wasn't sure if my paycheck was going to cover it," Durio said. Enlarge this image toggle caption Asma Khalid/NPR Asma Khalid/NPR Higher wages was a common concern for young working people in Nevada. "It's not that I don't want to go," she said, "it's that I can't.

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