Western diets are not all bad. They can improve fat digestion, absorption
6 years, 10 months ago

Western diets are not all bad. They can improve fat digestion, absorption

Hindustan Times  

Western diets are much-maligned, and with good reason. Researchers from the Midwestern University in the US found that the fat and sugar content in it may actually promote the growth of bacteria in the small intestine that increases fat digestion and absorption. They conducted a series of experiments to demonstrate that mice reared germ-free are protected from diet-induced obesity and are unable to absorb fat compared to conventionally-raised mice, also known as specific pathogen free mice. When the germ-free animals are given small intestine microbiota from high fat conditions, they are able to absorb fat, said Kristina Martinez-Guryn, an assistant professor at Midwestern University. Additional experiments showed that bacteria-derived bioactive products stimulate absorptive cells in the small intestine to package and transport fat for absorption.

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