Everyday movements scientifically proven to burn MORE calories than workouts
Daily MailBetween limited time and the high cost of gym memberships, it may seem impossible to get enough exercise. Dr Michael Dakkak, a sports medicine physician explains: 'NEAT accounts for the activities we do that aren't 'exercise' but still use the body's energy to improve your performance, burn calories and help keep your body operating efficiently.' Below, DailyMail.com reveals the six everyday things you can do to effortlessly burn calories: Standing at work Experts say that certain daily movements such as standing at your desk to work may help you burn more calories than a regular cardio workout Extensive research shows when you are standing instead of sitting in the office, the body uses more oxygen and in turn, burns more calories. According to the Centers for Disease Control, getting out in the yard for just 30 to 45 minutes can burn up to 300 calories For a 120lbs person, miscellaneous cleaning around the house for an hour burns 171 calories and mowing the lawn burns 314 calories. A 2023 Lloyds Pharmacy study found, on average, a man burns about 250 calories per hour playing with children or pets, while women burn about 211 calories, depending on the intensity of the play session.
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