Ayushman Bharat helps 23,287 patients receive free medical care worth Rs 38 crores in just 10 days
Op IndiaPrime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship scheme Ayushman Bharat has seen approximately 23,387 claims in just 10 days since its launch on 25 September. Dr Indu Bhushan, CEO of Ayushman Bharat has tweeted recently that a total of 1.7 crore beneficiary eligibility letters with family cards have been dispatched to reach thousands of towns and villages. Since radiotherapy not available at Islands, patient freely treated at MIOT Chennai under #AyushmanBharat includ transportation costs @ibhushan — Dr Dinesh Arora September 30, 2018 Though the scheme is still facing initial hiccups with some hospitals facing technical issues, unavailability of Ayush Mitras in all the hospitals and transition problems from pre-existing schemes o the new one, the work is seeing rapid progress and the initial worries are expected to be streamlined soon. Of these states, while Odisha has already launched its own healthcare scheme named Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojna, the Punjab government had declared yesterday that they would be joining the Ayushman Bharat scheme.