Boy, 6, suffered ‘seizure like episodes’ after being treated by orthodontist behind ‘Mewing’ TikTok technique
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Please try again later {{ /verifyErrors }} A six-year-old boy suffered “seizure-like episodes” while being treated by an orthodontist whose unorthodox ways of reshaping people’s jawlines have gone viral online, a tribunal has heard. Dr Mike Mew, whose “mewing” techniques have been viewed 1.7 billion times on TikTok, could be struck off by the General Dental Council over treatment which he carried out on the boy, who was born premature at just 29 weeks, and a six-year-old girl. Qualified dentist Aliyah Janmohamed, who worked with Dr Mew at his clinic in Purley, south London, between June 2017 and January 2019, said: “Sometimes Patient B has post-traumatic episodes following past medical interventions. Ms Janmohamed added: “We explained it is really important he doesn't remove them whilst eating, continues to wear them and tries to wear them as much as he can.” Dr Mew charges more than £12,000 for the treatment His mother put off an appointment to avoid a “b******ing” from Dr Mew about why he would not wear it, the hearing was told.
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TikTok ‘mewing’ orthodontist struck off after boy, 6, had ‘seizure-like episode’
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