'The desperation on the Remain side knows no limits'- Telegraph readers react to this week's top stories
5 years, 8 months ago

'The desperation on the Remain side knows no limits'- Telegraph readers react to this week's top stories

The Telegraph  

'Paying a small fee is only right and fair' @Dick Strawbale "Unlike everyone else posting on this issue I take a very different view. 'Waste disposal should be made easy in order to minimise fly-tipping' @Fraisy Lou "New rules have just been introduced here in Monmouthshire, we have been issued with a permit, can only visit the rubbish-tip twice per month and only with what can fit in the boot of a normal car. "Waste disposal and recycling should be made extremely easy and accessible in order to minimise fly-tipping which just ruins the countryside for us all and must cost much more in the long term." Telegraph readers joined columnist Judith Woods in discussing whether obesity really is a disease or whether it’s simply self-inflicted.

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