5 Effects Of The Pandemic You're Only Just Now Feeling At Work
Huff PostCecilie_Arcurs via Getty Images The pandemic may be causing long-term side effects on your career. “We’re now seeing people really feel the impact of the stress over the last year.” Here’s how this may be showing up in your career right now: 1. Yoon noted that professionals who initially made the choice to hunker down at their jobs may now be thinking, “‘Maybe I will go back to taking a look at my job application material and really get to work on this, because clearly this isn’t changing and I’m still unhappy,’” she said. People who experience job loss may internalize a risk-adverse mindset as a defense mechanism and think, “You never know what’s going to happen, so you better be happy,” or “I’m lucky for what I get, even if I’m unhappy,” Yoon said. It could potentially make an impact in how they think about change in their career.” Even if you didn’t experience job loss, you may be feeling uncertain about the future, too.