I'm a psychologist - this is what your narcissist is REALLY feeling when they abuse you
5 days, 3 hours ago

I'm a psychologist - this is what your narcissist is REALLY feeling when they abuse you

Daily Mail  

You fear you're in a relationship with a narcissist? Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, UK-based psychologist Jessen James, said: 'Most narcissists do not feel any guilt about abusing their loved ones because their mind prevents them from recognising any wrongdoing. Don't be so trusting of a person's 'guilt' if they suffer from the mental health condition, narcissistic personality disorder, psychologist and therapists have warned 'Since they pass any blame to others, they rarely experience the kind of remorse that would result in any meaningful change, which is where the pattern persists and how other people identify them as a narcissist. According to human behaviour expert and psychologist, Jessen James, NPD sufferers won’t apologise for the distress they cause, even to a loved one, because they don't feel guilty 'The other thing to understand is that narcissists have a huge fear of being exposed for who they are. 'It’s hard to comprehend but a narcissist lacks empathy - so they are not showing remorse because they have compassion for how they have made you feel.

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