Press Release: IITGN Receives Eat Right Campus Award from FSSAI
The QuintThe award will be conferred by FSSAI in New Delhi on June 07, 2019, on the occasion of World Food Safety Day The institute received five star rating in the Eat Right Campus audit, for ensuring food safety and promoting healthy eating In one more pioneering feat, the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar becomes one of the first educational institutes in the country to receive Eat Right Campus Award from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. IIT Gandhinagar Director, Prof Sudhir K Jain will receive the award for the Institute on June 07, 2019 at a programme hosted by FSSAI in FDA Bhawan, New Delhi, to commemorate the first World Food Safety Day declared by the United Nations General Assembly. On the basis of final audit score, the institute is certified as ‘Eat Right Campus’ with five star rating. Eat Right Campus initiative of FSSAI is a powerful tool to enable the administration/management to ensure safe and wholesome food for both the residents and visitors to their campus.