The rough sleeper on billionaire's row: Swedish homeless man living in self-made shelter outside £200m property says 'I love it here' after being lavished with £5k Fortnum and Mason hampers and design
Daily MailA homeless man living in London's poshest area gets handed designer clothes and Fortnum and Mason hampers worth thousands of pounds. Anders Fernstedt has been homeless in 'billionaires row' in Knightsbridge for three months He has found himself sleeping rough outside Rutland Gate, home to the most expensive property in Britain at £200million This week, he received a £500 Armani jacket and trousers to keep him warm This week Anders was also gifted a £500 Armani jacket and trousers. I did not chose it because of how wealthy people are' He also received a towel from the Wimbledon Tennis Championships He sleeps next to many of the items which have been donated, including food from a Fortnum and Mason hamper - valued at £5,000 He added: 'There is a community. I have been gifted the most amazing items and gifts' Anders said he has made friends with other homeless people living rough nearby.
History of this topic

Rough sleeping soars by a quarter and over 100,000 households living in temporary accommodation
The Independent
New rough sleepers in London rose by 12% in figures branded ‘appalling’
The Independent
Someone becomes street homeless in London almost every two hours as rough sleeping hits record high
The Independent
Homeless shelters experience record demand as government reports decrease in rough sleeping
The Independent
Ministers announce 'rough sleeping hubs' amid rising levels of homelessness in England
The Independent
Liverpool council ignores Government and vows to help all homeless people at £250,000 rough sleeping centre
The Independent
Budget 2016: £115m for homelessness welcomed but won't solve underlying causes, say former rough sleepers
The Independent
Rough sleepers 'swept' off London's freezing streets
The Independent
Rough sleepers 'swept' off London's freezing streets
The Independent
Rough sleeping in England up by 23 per cent
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