China Daily近日发布的《世界旅游经济趋势报告(2023)》指出,2022年全球旅游总人次达到95.7亿,全球旅游总收入达到4.6万亿美元,分别恢复至2019年的66.1%和79.6%。 Tourists pose at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing during the May Day holiday. The number of international tourist arrivals is expected to reach 10.78 billion, 74.4 percent of the 2019 level, according to the Report on World Tourism Economy Trends 2023 issued on Wednesday. 5月10日发布的《世界旅游经济趋势报告(2023)》预测,2023年全球旅游总人次将达到107.8亿,恢复至2019年的74.4%。 In 2023, the global tourism revenue will reach 5 trillion U.S. dollars, recovering to 86.2 percent of the 2019 level, said the report jointly released by the tourism research center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the World Tourism Cities Federation. 全球旅游总收入将达到5万亿美元,恢复至2019年86.2%。该报告由中国社会科学院旅游研究中心和世界旅游城市联合会联合发布。 The number of 2022 global tourist visits was 9.57 billion, and the global tourism revenue last year reached 4.6 trillion U.S. dollars, the report said. 中国社会科学院旅游研究中心主任宋瑞说:“目前全球旅游经济呈稳步恢复态势,全球旅游会有更美好的前景。” "However, we should 她说:“但同时人们也应该理性地认识到,未来全球旅游业的复苏依赖于全球宏观经济的走势,全球经济的不确定性依然会影响旅游业的前景。” 【相关词汇】 出境团队旅游 outbound group travel 旅游气象服务 meteorological services for tourism 短途旅行 short-distance travel 旅游发展和价值链整合 tourism development and value chain integration (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)