每日一词∣全体人民共同富裕 common prosperity for everyone
China Daily中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第五次全体会议在远景目标中提出全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展,具体目标是:中等收入群体显著扩大,基本公共服务实现均等化,城乡区域发展差距和居民生活水平差距显著缩小,人均国内生产总值达到中等发达国家水平。 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to achieve more substantial progress in common prosperity for everyone in China's long-range objectives, with the aim to expand remarkably the size of the middle-income group, ensure equitable access to basic public services, and significantly reduce disparities in urban-rural development and in living standards. The per capita GDP will reach the level of moderately developed countries. 2020年5月12日,广西壮族自治区的一位农民在温室大棚摘西红柿。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 实现共同富裕,反映了社会主义的本质要求,是我们党坚持全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨的重要体现。在波澜壮阔的历史进程中,中国共产党始终坚持以人民为中心,团结带领全国各族人民为创造美好生活、实现共同富裕而不懈奋斗,在实践中形成了先富带动后富、逐步实现共同富裕的规律性认识,推动人民生活质量和社会共享水平显著提升。 “十四五”时期将扎实推动共同富裕,坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重,健全工资合理增长机制,着力提高低收入群体的收入,扩大中等收入群体;完善按要素分配政策制度,增加中低收入群体的要素收入;完善再分配机制,加大税收、社保、转移支付等调节力度和精准性;发挥第三次分配的作用,发展慈善事业。 【重要讲话】 我们要以更大的力度、更实的措施保障和改善民生,加强和创新社会治理,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,促进社会公平正义,在幼有所育、学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、弱有所扶上不断取得新进展,让实现全体人民共同富裕在广大人民现实生活中更加充分地展示出来。 We will devote more energy and take more concrete measures in ensuring and improving people's living standards, strengthening and developing new approaches to social governance, resolutely winning the battle against poverty, promoting social fairness and justice, making steady progress in ensuring people's access to childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing, and social assistance, so as to better demonstrate the realization of common prosperity for everyone in people's real life. ——2018年3月20日,习近平在十三届全国人大一次会议闭幕会上的讲话 【相关词汇】 中等收入群体 the middle-income group 城乡区域发展差距 disparities in urban-rural development 2035年远景目标 Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035